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Haggai challenges us in Hag 1:4 with this question "is it time for you to live in your lovely houses while my temple/home lies in ruins" and we must respond by rebuilding his temple in the following nine worlds

Go verses come

   remember that the great commission is a calling to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and the whole world can't be filled into a church building neither can every creature be squeezed into our wrongly called church buildings modeled after the roman pagan temples of raised platforms and pulpits and pews unlike the relationship style gatherings in homes of the early church.

Isaiah 6:8 is the challenge to all true Christians "whom shall I send? And who shall go for us? And I said here am I Lord SEND ME... We must therefore respond to the call to go and rebuild the temple destroyed by Constantine and his gang.

The Constantine curse

we learn from church history that Constantine wedded the roman pagan customs with the catholic or the universal church... He created the clergy laity divide that is not found in scripture...
We are all kings and priests
He created the secular and sacred divide that is nowhere found in scripture...
We are either a missionary or a mission field
He created the order of our church services modeled after paganism that are against the new testament model found in 1corin 14: 26
He created the church architecture that forces us to see the backs of peoples heads with no sharing of our lives but passive churchianity.
He created the raised platforms that forces us into becoming spectators and destroys body ministry that the bible tells us to participate in.
He created the superstar model of preaching from a pulpit that the Caesar's modeled.

SACRED calling verses SECULAR work: But Full time ministry is for all Christians and not just for a few elite pietists.

Let us take the church back into these nine worlds where it belongs and not the ivory tower buildings modeled after the closed door monasteries that prevents us from being salt and light and yeast where the people are.

This is a call to market place Christianity
This is a call to rebuild his temple in all of society
This is a call to people who will cry out


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Pray with us as we together take the whole gospel to the whole world Whole"istically

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